
German History Deutsche Geschichte

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Die Geschichte der Deutschen - The history of the Germans

5000-4000 BC: Coming from the Caucasus mountains over Southern Russia, the western branch of the Indo-Germanics/ Indo-Euroepans conquer Europe. Later on they will split up in different tribes: Germanics, Celts, Slavs, Romanics, Greeks, Illyrians, Thracians, Baltics and another branch will settle down in the Middle East and India.

2000 BC: Germanics, Slavs, Romans and Celts all share similar cultures. They have similar gods, languages and symbols. But soon they developed disctinct cultures.

1000 BC: The Germanics are now their own distinct ethnicity. They live in Southern Scandinavia and Northern Germany and slowly expand southwards. Greek and Roman writers were the first to use the word "Germanen", which was actually the name of a rather small tribe at the border to the Roman Empire. One theory states, that the meaning is: Ger = spear, Mann = man, the Men with spears.
They have a natural religion and believe in Gods like Odin, Thor, Freia, Baldur, Loki and in mythological creatures such as valkyries (that bring the fallen heroes (Einherjar) to Valhalla, the hall of Odin), elves, trolls, giants, dwarfs and many more.

200 BC: The Cimbri and Teutons leave their homes at the North Sea coast, because of heavy storm floods. They were the first Germanics to encounter the Roman Empire. After several battles succesful battles, the term of te "furor teutonicus" came up, the rage of the Teutons. But they were finally defeated at Aquae Sixtae in 102 BC. However, their approach opened the way for more Germanic tribes.

9: Arminius or Hermann der Cherusker/ Herman the Teuton defeats 3 Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest, preventing a romanisation of the Germanic settlement area, which was uspposed to become yet another province. He´s considered to be the first hero of the Germans. The name Arminius is Latin and might come from Irmin/ Ermin.
Martin Luther was the first one who made him popular again as Hermann the liberator of Germania. Some historians say the legend about Siegfried the dragon slayer is based on Arminius' fight against the Romans.

69-96: The Romans build the "Limes", a wall-system that should keep away the Germanics, at the Rhine and Danube River.

98: Tacitus a roman writer, writes down the "Germania" a book about the Germanics in the 1st century.

200: The Germanics invent their own letters, the runes based on the Latin alphabet. It is called futhark after the first letters of it.

260: The Germanic tribe of the Alemannen breaks through the Limes and conquers the south-western Roman provinces.

375: The Huns expell several Germanic tribes, which causes the "Völkerwanderung" (peoples migration era).
Many Germanic tribes, such as the Vandals, Goths, Burgundians and many other move west- and southwards and build new kingdoms on Roman territory.

450: The Angels and Saxons move from Northern Germany and Southern Denmark to England. They mix up with the Celtic population and become the British as we know them. Later on they will create the biggest empire the world has ever seen.

476: Odoaker a Gothic leader conquers Rome. This is considered to be the end of the (Western) Roman Empire.

482: Chlodwig I. becomes king of the Franks. He is the first christian king of our age. The Germanic Franks give France its name and build a huge empire, made of the regions that will later form France, Germany, the Benelux states and Italy.

500: The Bajuwaren (Baio-warioz = warriors from Bohemia) and rests of the Goths will form the new tribe of the Bavarians in Bavaria who'll seen settle along the Danube and Alpine valleys of what would be latter called Austria.

568: The Lombards invade Northern Italy and build their own kingdom there. This last movement is considered the end of the peoples migration era.

732: Karl the Hammer (Karl Martellus) defeats the invading muslims at Tours and Poitiers, who already conquered most of Spain.

800: Karl der Große/ Charlemagne is coronated as emperor of the whole christianity in Rome. Karl´s mother language was a Frankish dialect and he ruled over the Frankish Empire.
He´s also famous for defeating the last pagan Germanics on the continent, the Saxons and their leader Widukind. The last non christian Germanics will be the Scandinavian Vikings, attacking the Frankish Empire for a long time.

843: The treaty of Verdun splits the Frankish Empire into 3 parts. Later on the western part will become France and the eastern one will become Germany. The 3rd state in the middle will become part of other states and never become a state on its own.

955: Otto the Great defeats the invading Hungarians at the battle of the Lechfeld near Augsburg. Germans from all tribes:

Baiern: Bavarians living in Bavaria and Austria
Franken: Living At the Rhine, parts of the Netherlands, Belgium and the center of Germany
Alemannen: Living in Elsass-Lothringen (Alsace-Lorraine), Alemannien and Switzerland
Sachsen: Living in Northern Germany
Friesen: From the Northern Netherlands and Frisia and also
Böhmen: Slavs under german controll

join the army of Otto and defeat the Hungarians. From now on the Hungarians settled peacefully in Hungary and became Christians.

This battle is said to be the birth place of the Deutschen (Germans). While The English-speaking countries still called them Germans, the Germans themselves named themselve from now on Deutsche. This word comes from theodisc which means: from the folk, language of the folk. So Deutschland means folkland/ land of the folk.
Other peoples like the French named the Germans after a tribe (Alemagne from the Alemannen tribe).

962: Otto der Große is coronated as Kaiser (Emperor) in Rome. Germany and Italy build a new Reich (empire), which will be called the Holy Roman Empire, since the Germans see themselves as the heirs of Rome. This is the 1. Reich.

1075: Pope Gregor VII. writes the Dictatus Papae, what means the pope gets more power than the roman Kaiser.
Kaiser Heinrich IV. offends the pope and is excommunicated from the church.

1077: The famous Gang nach Canossa (Way to Canossa) brings back the respect between pope and Kaiser, after Heinrich kneed in the icy snow in front of the castle of Canossa, where the pope hide.

1161: The Deutsche Hanse (German Hanse) is founded. The next 200 years it will form the most powerful trading company in the North and Baltic Sea.

1122-1190: Friedrich Barbarossa (italian for red beard) makes the Holy Roman Empire the strongest state of Europe, noble knights fight at tournaments, he is the defender of the european culture, but has also many enemies. Heinrich der Löwe (the lion) gets a lot of power and founds several german cities, for example München (Munich) and Lübeck.
At the same time, the east colonisation starts. The polish and hungaryan kings call Germans into their land to bring new technology and culture from the west or to defend the border against muslims and heathens.
Regions like Schlesien (Silesia), Pommern, Prussia, Siebenbürgen (Transsylvania) and the Sudetenland become german.
The Deutschritterorden/ Teutonenorden (Teutonic Knights) will build the base for the prussian state with Hermann von Salza.

1348: Under Kaiser Karl IV, Prague becomes the capital of Germany. Many Germans live there and the first german university is founded there, too. Soon Heidelberg and Wien (Vienna) get also universities.
At the same time, the black death kills many people in whole Europe. Often jews are said to be the reason.

1356: The Goldene Bulle is the first constitution of Germany. It will form the federal tradition of Germany, that always existed since the old germanic tribes and their Thing conferences.

1450: Johannes Gutenberg invents the book printing with movable letters.

ca. 1500: The Holy Roman Empire is now called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation, because most parts of the Reich are only settled by Germans, after North Italy was lost in the last centuries.

1517: Martin Luther publishes his 95 Thesen against commercial drain at the church gate of Wittenberg.
Martin Luther will cause the reformation, for a christianity that is more tolerant and hasn´t got a bad and enraged god, but a god of love and forgiveness.

1521: After his escape, Dr. Luther translates the latin-greek bible into the German language. His translation will build the basis of the modern german language. He will also invent many famous german sayings and songs for the church. Now Latin starts to lose its importance and the people want to write down and sing in their own native language. The north of Germany becomes mostly protestant and the south catholic.

1525: The new reformation causes the peasant wars, they want freedom and don´t want to give all their money to arrogant aristocrats, but it will fail, because the imperial army is stronger than the peasants of course.

1543: Nikolaus Kopernikus publishes his discovery, that the earth orbits the sun.

1618: The 30-years-war begins. This war will be the most awful time Germany ever had, even worse than the 2. world war. In some parts of the Reich 2/3 of all people are killed or die from starving. The black death is everywhere, soldiers from France, Sweden, Italy and all the german states fight against each other, because of religious reasons.
Albrecht von Wallenstein will fight on the catholic side, while the swedish king Gustav Adolf fights for the protestants.
The biggest crime will be the destruction of Magdeburg, in the middleage a very important city. Wallenstein will be killed by his own people.

1648: The Westfälische Frieden (Westphalian peace treaty) ends the war. The Netherlands, being always part of Germany become indipendant. The same happens to the german Switzerland, which forms a new state including some french and italian parts.

1674: France starts an expansion to the east and annexes many west german territories. After it conquered even the Reichsstadt (Imperial city) Strassburg, which was a very important university city and where the first newspaper of the world (in german of course) was printed, is the seed for a long lasting rivalry between France and Germany.

1683-1714: The Ottoman Empire, expanding more and more into Europe sieges Wien (Vienna). The Germans and Poles fight together against them and win. Prinz Eugen conquers back most of Hungary and the Balkan states for Austria.

1697: August der Starke (August the strong) king of Sachsen (Saxony) becomes also king of Poland. He is the best example of a baroque king in Germany. Under his rule, the most beautiful baroque city of the german states is built: Dresden, the pearl at the Elbe River.

1701: Preußen (Prussia) becomes a kingdom. The main territory is Brandenburg, but only Prussia could turn into a kingdom, so the new kingdom Brandenburg-Preußen was made.

1756-1763: Maria Theresia rules in Austria, while Friedrich der Große/ Friedrich II is king of Prussia.
In several wars like the 7-years-wae, especially for Schlesien (Silesia), Friedrich can win at the end and makes Prussia a great power in Europe. Prussian discipline and sense of order will soon become a typical german virtue.

1744: Katharina moves to Russia, later on she will rule it as Tsarin Katharina die Große (The Great) and call many Germans into many regions of Russia, especially the Wolga and Moscow, but even at the Caucasus and in Middle Asia Germans will settle.

1772-1795: Prussia, Russia and Austria split up Poland.

1779-1781: The philosophers Gotthold Lessing and Immanuel Kant publish their important projects "Nathan the Wise" and "Critique of pure rationality".

1799: Humboldt starts his expedition to South America and will build the base for the german school-system, which will be for about 150 years one of the best in the world.

1750-1830: Germany turns into a culture-nation, world famous people like Mozart, Beethoven, Goethe, Kant, Caspar David Friedrich, Schlüter, Klenze and many more make Germany one of the most developed cultures in the world.

1806: After Napoleon defeated several german states and made some his allies (Rheinbund = Rhine Alliance), the austrian Franz II will be the last Kaiser of the Holy Roman Empire. The austrian Habsburger ruled for nearly 500 years over the german states. The 1. Reich dies after ca. 900 years existence.

1807-1815: Thanks to the Freiherr vom Stein, prussian reforms will make Prussia strong enough to defeat Napoleon with his allies. It will be the first time, that a king calls his folk for help and he won´t them call Prussians, Austrians, Saxons, Bavarians or Swabians, no he calls them Germans for the holy war of liberation.

1810: Andreas Hofer fights for the freedom of Tirol (Tyrol) against napoleonic soldiers.

1813: At the Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig (peoples battle of Leipzig), all german states, the Russians and Swedes help each other to defeat Napoleon.
The Lützower Jäger a small military entity wears black uniforms with red parts and golden buttons. This colours will become the national colours of Germany. Poets like Theodor Körner write the first patriotic songs and call all Germans for unity.
Tho Napoleon attacked the german states, he was the best that could happen to them. Being afraid, the german language and culture would go down, the Germans started to get patriotic feelings and wanted at last an united nation. They don´t want to be Prussians, Austrians, Bavarians, Saxons...they want to be united Germans now!
The prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm orders to make a new medal for honour and bravery. The Eisernes Kreuz (Iron Cross). There was also a famous conversation between Napoleon and Metternich the austrian foreign minister in Dresden.
Metternich told Napoleon to stop, because he hasn´t got any more soldiers. Then Napoleon said, Metternich can´t complain, he used much more german and polish soldiers in Russia, than french troups. Metternich answered: Sir, you forget, that you talk to a German!

1815: The prussian and british soldiers commanded by Blücher and Wellington defeat Napoleon finally at Waterloo. In the same year the Congress of Wien (Vienna) brings Europe a new order. France isn´t punished, only Napoleon. The german states build the Deutscher Bund (German Alliance) of all german states, Prussia and Austria try to dominate it.

1832: During the Hambacher Fest, patriotic students and other people (even from France and Poland) demand a democratic and united german nation and friendship with all european peoples. They also want to give the Poles a state and have a good comradeship with the French. They wave the german flag black-red-golden.

1848/ 1849: The german democratic revolution begins. Street fights in all big cities force the kings to allow a national congress in Frankfurt in the Paulskirche (Paul´s Church). There are three solutions:
Kleindeutsch (small german): Germany units under prussian rule.
Großösterreichisch (great austrian): All german states unite under austrian rule, but a lot of foreign peoples like Hungaryans, Czechs and Romanians would be part of the Reich, too.
Großdeutsch (Greater Germany): Austria gives up most of the non-german states and all german states unite under prussian rule.
Sadly the revolution fails.

1840-1900: Mass immigration from Germany to the USA. 1/3 of all european Americans have german ancestors. They´ll built an important part of the american folk, people like Elvis, Neil Armstrong and Disney have german ancestors. At the same time the industrialisation starts.

1862: Otto von Bismarck becomes the prussian prime-minister, leading the royal politics in the parliament.

1864: Prussia and Austria win together against Denmark, which occupied some north-german states, at the final battle of the Düppeler Schanzen.

1866: The German Brother War between Prussia and Austria and its allies at Königgrätz is won by Prussia. In the same year, the Norddeutscher Bund (Northgerman Alliance) is founded, Bavaria, Baden, Württemberg and Austria don´t join this alliance at first.
Thanks to Bismarck, king Wilhelm I of Prussia doesn´t annex any territory from Austria. Bismarck reminds Wilhelm I, that the Austrians are also german brothers, that will join the alliance later.

1870: Spain offered a Hohenzollern to get the spanish throne, but France was afraid and wanted to force the Hohenzollern (prussian royal family), to never get it. The french emperor sends a message to Wilhelm I, but Bismarck rewrote the so called "Emser Depesche" and made it shorter, what offended the french emperor. That´s why he declared war on Prussia.
Suddenly a patriotic wave swept through all german states, they remembered the napoleonic wars and did never want a french rule again. People from all over Germany joined in the army and fought against France. The most important battle was at Sedan, a city in France. The german troups easily defeated all the french troups with their artillery.

18.01.1871: In the mirror-hall of Versailles, the palace of the french kings, the german kings and princes made Wilhelm I the new Kaiser of the 2. German Reich. It´s the birthday of a real german nation, while the cerenomy, the Kaiser antheme "Heil dir im Siegerkranz" was sung. Soon Paris was conquered and Germany got money and Elsass-Lothringen back.

1871-1914: Soon the greatest time Germany ever had started. Bismarck was the greatest hero for all Germans, many monuments were built, also the Hermannsdenkmal (monument for Herman the German), the Germania at Rüdesheim, the Kyffhäuserdenkmal of Barbarossa and many more were made. Bismarck invented the first social-laws to help the poor workers and he fought againts the power of the catholic church. After Wilhelm I died, Friedrich III rules for about 100 days and then dies, because he got cancer from smoking. Now Wilhelm II became the rest of the Kaiserreich era the Kaiser.
At the same time, the quality of german products became very famous, made in Germany guaranteed finest quality. 1/3 of all Nobel Prices were given to german scientists, the Germans became also famous for inventing important things, for example: car, Otto- and Dieselmotor, television, telephone, motorcycle, bacteriology, the bulb (no joke!)
by Heinrich Göbel, refrigerator, Zeppelin and much more. 87% of the chemical market was in german hands. With the money from France, the new Reichstag building was made and the French were very angry on the Germans, because it was not normal for the grande nation, that suddenly the small german states built a much stronger Reich. That´s why there were several war-in-sight-crisis till the war really started in 1914. This was a sad thing,
after Bismarck died, Wilhelm II destroyed all the alliances that were useful for Germany.
Germany also got very late some small colonies in Africa, Oceania and China.
Ludwig II the fairy king of Bavaria builds beautiful castles like Neuschwanstein, the time of historism starts.

1914-1918: The assasination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo by serbian nationalists causes the 1. world war. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, Russia helps them, Germany declares war on Russia, France declares war on Germany. Soon Britain declares war on Germany, because they invaded the Benelux-states and some time later the USA joins the war, because the german u-boats destroyed an american ship, which secretly brought weapons
to Britains, as many other, too. In the east, Hindenburg leads the german soldiers to a great victory against Russia at Tannenberg. Lenin is brought to Russia and causes the communistic revolution. Russia has lost finally. In the west a murderous Sitzkrieg (Sit War) keeps the front line where it is for several years. The hell of Verdun is the most famous place of the war. The Roter Baron (red baron) is the greatest pilot of the first world war, his real name is Manfred von Richthofen. At the end Germany will lose the war, at the same time revolutionary soldiers and workers bring the old system to fall. All Germans hope, the american president will make his promises true, that this will be a war without winners, and the borders will be made, where the peoples live. He will disappoint all Germans for the will of France.

9th November 1918: Friedrich Ebert is the new Reichskanzler (Imperial Chancelor), Phillip Scheidemann declares the new german republic and Kaiser Wilhelm II escapes to Doorn in the Netherlands.

11th November 1918: The first world war is over.

1919: The dictate of Versailles (peace treaty of Versailles) throws the proud German Reich down into awful crisis and conditions. Germany loses huge territories, many like Elsass-Lothringen even without to ask the residents, tho it was 92 % german. Many new smaller states like Poland, the Czechish Republic and many more are built. The borders are not along the language-border, but the French wanted to make Germany as small and weak as possible, that´s why many Germans lived in the new founded states, especially in the Sudetenland, Danzig and some more. France forbids Germany to have a real army, an unfair limit is set, tho Germany is sorrounded by enemies. Germany has to pay the biggest reparations, that were ever wanted. Some british members of the conference already knew, this treaty is full of hate and it will be the seed for the next war.
Austria is reduced to the german-speaking part, tho also german parts like Südtirol were given to foreign countries.
Especially in Südtirol the italian nationalists try to destroy everything german there. Austria wanted to unite with Germany, but the allies forbid it.

1919-1933: The Weimarer Republik (Weimar Republic) will be the democracy without democrats with huge problems that will cause an early end of the first democracy in Germany.
Communists try to take over the power in Germany, Nazis try to take over controll of Germany, separatists want to split up Germany again, stree-fights took place in all cities, the inflation makes the money worthless and most people lose everything they have. Millions of people have no work, Germans in the new founded Poland and Czechish Republic are extremely discriminated.
The Dolchstoßlegende (stab in the back legend) comes up, since the Germans felt themselves betrayed, the hate against the allied spreads everywhere, especially because the Germans lived at first in the glorious Kaiserreich, and suddenly where in this chaotic republic.

1923: French troups march into the Ruhrgebiet.

1929: The huge world economical crisis hits Germany, the NSDAP becomes stronger.

30th January 1933: Reichspräsident (Imperial president) Hindenburg makes Adolf Hitler the leader of the NSDAP the new Reichskanzler. The Ermächtigungsgesetz will end democracy in Germany.

1935: Hitler builds a new german Wehrmacht, at Nürnberg (Nuremberg) the racial laws are published. After 91 % of the people in the Saarland wish to come back to Germany, it reunites with the Reich.

1936 : The german army takes back the Rheinland and Ruhrgebiet. In the same year, the Olympic Games take place in Berlin. Germany, Italy and Japan built Die Achse (the Axis).

1938: German troups march into Austria, the austrian people welcome them with flowers and are happy to be part of Germany at last, not because of Hitler, but because France forbid them to be one with Germany. During the Conference in München (Munich), the Allies allow Germany to get back the german Sudetenland. Hitler orders to conquer also the Rest of Czecho-Slovakia.

9th November 1938: The Reichskristallnacht (Imperial Crystal Night) takes place, jewish shops are destroyed, their Synagogues are burnt down. The Germans are not happy about it, but they don´t dare to risk their lifes for them.

1939: Hitler wants back some territory from Poland, but it refuses to give Germany anything back.

23.08.1939: The Hitler-Stalin-pact is signed. They agree in the 4th partition of Poland.

01.09.1939: German invasion of Poland, during the bloody sunday of Bromberg, german civilians are killed, it was one of the first war-crimes.

08th November 1939 AD: Georg Elser starts his secret attack on Hitler in the Bürgerbräukeller.

April 1940: Germany conquers Denmark and Norway to prevent Britain from getting the norwegian cities.

May 1940: The german Wehrmacht attacks France through the Ardennen and the Benelux states. After only 6 weeks, France is defeated. The french civilians are treated rather good by the Germans, many hundred thousand women fell in love with german soldiers.

1941: The Balkan wars start.

1941-1945: The Holocaust takes place, about 5,5 million jews are killed, but also many Germans or people from other nations, that don´t fit in the system.

22nd June 1941: Operation Barbarossa begins, Germany attacks the Sowjetunion. Stalin planned, that France, Germany and Britain would weaken each other and wanted to attack Europe in the same year, that´s why the Wehrmacht could capture many hundred thousands
of russian soldiers and rush with their Blitzkrieg tactic till Moscow. Death Camps like Auschwitz are set up and a brutal war of races takes place in the east.
The german Afrikakorps (Africa Corpse) under Erwin Rommel fights in North Africa against british troups. Both sides fight in a fair way and respect each other, Rommel even refuses an order of Hitler to kill poor civilians.

1943: The battle of Stalingrad is lost, the Russians start their offensive westwards.

1944: The west allies land in the Normandy.

20th July 1944: Stauffenbergs assasination on Hitler fails. Operation Walküre was no success.

30th January: A russian u-boat attacks the Wilhelm Gustloff, a ship that should help over 10.000 people to escape from East Prussia. Nearly all people die, it´s the biggest ship-catastrophy of modern times, the Titanic was unimportant compared to this number of victims.

February 1945: Bombing of Dresden. The bombing was special, because it had no sense, the Russians were already on Reichs territory and Dresden had no military importance, most historians see it as a senseless crime on civilians today.

April-May 1945: Battle for Berlin

30th April 1945: Hitlers suicide in the Führerbunker.

8th May 1945: End of the second world war in Europe.

1945 after the war: Germany is completely ruined, nearly all cities were bombed to ashes. The Russians, Poles and Czechs are allowed to expell about 15 million Germans from their home in the east territories. Often they killed innocent people because of pure hate, after the Wehrmacht left Prague, all german civilians were brutally murdered or burnt.
But even the western allied didn´t earn much honour by setting up the Rheinwiesenlager, camps were many thousand german soldiers starved to death.
Germany was separated in 4 parts controlled by the USA, the Sowjetunion, Britain and France. Austria was again split away from Germany.
At Nürnberg the german war criminals and Nazi leaders are judged. Allied war crimes were never judged, because they won the war.

Most people think, Germany will become an unimportant land of farmers now. A reporter made a tour to Berlin and has never seen a city that was so massivly destroyed. But all that was wrong. At the same time the Germans started already to bring back the order, the so called Trümmerfrauen (shatter women) rebuilt the cities, while their men are in war prison. All that builds the way for what will be later called the Wirtschafswunder (economy wonder).

1948-1949: Berlin is blocked by Sowjets to protest against the Marshall Plan that should help Europe to rise again. The Americans answer with Die Luftbrücke (the sky bridge), they bring food and other necessary things to the helpless people.

1949: Founding of the BRD (Bundesrepublik Deutschland = Federal Republic Germany) and the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik = German democratic Republic). Germany is divided in two countries now, Austria is an indipendant nation.

1949-1963: Konrad Adenauer is the first BRD chancellor and under his rule, the Wirtschaftswunder takes place. While Westgermany becomes a wealthy western nation, the DDR turns into a poor communistic dictatorship.

1951: Germany, France, Italy and the Benelux states found the Montan Union, the first institution of a way to the European Union.

17th June 1953: Peoples riot in the DDR against the communistic regime, the Germans want to unite again. The Sowjets beat down the people, the revolution fails.

22nd January 1963: Adenauer and De Gaulle sign the treaty for german french friendship.

26th June 1963: Kennedy´s famous speech in Berlin "Ich bin ein Berliner".

1968: The student revolution in Germany will establish a leftist society in the land, patriots will be called Nazis from now on. The leftists controll the german medias till today and try to spread anti-patriotic tendencies among the whole population.

November 1989: The monday demonstrations bring the East Germans on the streets to protest against the dictatorship.

9th November 1989: The Berliner Mauer (Wall) falls, the Germans shout the famous saying: Wir sind ein Volk! (we are one folk!).

3rd October 1990: Germany is officially reunited, this will become the new national day of Germany.

From now on Germany turns into a safe and rich democratic country and will be one of the best friends of all western states. It will become the export worldchampion and the motor of Europe. Together with France it will rule the politics in Europe. During the soccer world championship 2006 the new generation will even discover a new patriotism for their country, to wave the german flag isn´t considered to be bad anymore.

But noone knows what will happen next with the country in the heart of Europe, the nation between East and West, North and South, the nation that influenced the whole world history massivly, and where people like Luther, Hitler, Bismarck, Goethe, Beethoven and Carl Benz
were born. The nation that leaded several wars against its neighbours, the nation that brought the world one of the most wonderful kinds of culture, arts and inventions. All that is:

I wrote down the history of the Germans, begining with our ancestors. The picture on top shows Germania, the personification of Germany as a woman.
© 2012 - 2024 Arminius1871
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